Put it into words | soul writing

Words are powerful tools, something to inspire you and to move you, something to help you clear
your mind and heart. Answer these questions honestly and freely, no one is going to read this
but you.

Am I happy?

If yes, what makes me happy?
If not, why not?
What can I change to make myself happy?
What am I grateful for?
I am (fill in; an example: I am happy, smart, free, carefree, joyous, confused..)
I want to be (fill in)
Women / men who inspire me and whom I admire
Books that inspire me
Music that makes me feel good
Movies that inspire me/make me feel good
Do I have any problems?
If yes, how could I solve them?
What are my dreams, plans, hopes?

When was the time I felt the happiest?
When was the time/situation I was proud of myself?

What are some challenges that I overcame in life? What did I learn from them?

What are the good things I did (*ever/recently?)
Do I have time for everything I want?
What is stopping me to achieve my goals?

What are some things I would like to learn this year?

Are there any people I do not forgive, do I hold any grudges?
Who are the people I am thankful for? (write them a thank you note/letter)
What are the things in life I value the most?
What are my super-powers (things you’re really good at)
Do I enjoy doing the things I’m good at?
Do I enjoy taking risks?
What is my biggest fear? Do I care what other people think? Am I afraid of failure or success?

How do I measure success? (free time, freedom, money, fame, certain accomplishment, diploma,
peace of mind)

Where do I see myself in 5 years?

Additionally, write down:

What are 5 stories from your life you would like being told to your future grandchildren
Which emotions motivate you to write (create)?
What are the rituals you enjoy? Little everyday things that make you happy?
Describe your routine. Do you like it as it is, or would you like to change something about
Write down a list of things which at one point you wanted to have, and now you have them
(dreams that became reality)
Write down a list of things you would like to have in the future (material or not)

Know that whatever you’d like to accomplish in life – you absolutely can, someone already
accomplished these things before you. Nothing is out of reach.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, who believe in you,
cheer for you, encourage you and make you feel that anything is possible. Your surrounding
is crucial… choose wisely. Successful, satisfied, happy people will help you be just like them.
Miserable people will bring you down and kill your dreams. Don’t let them near you.

Who is one person who always believes in you, no matter what? While creating life on your terms and working on your dreams, always think of that one person and their support.

Lastly, ask yourself : Where am I? Where am I going?

What would you do right now if you had the limitless amount of time and money?

Write a list of 10 things that make you happy.
Write a list of 10 things you’re taking for granted (example: your bed, hot shower, a cup of
Write a list of all of the places you would like to visit.

Decide what do you want, write down ten things then choose only ONE and focus on that one.

No one is in charge of your life except you. The responsibility to make your life great is all yours. Make yourself feel good. Make a choice, choose a goal and focus on it every single day. No matter where you are right now, soon you can get wherever you want to be.
Three magic words are — clarity, focus, faith.
And do not forget: analysis = paralysis; do not think too much, just take action, jump in the
fire, or in the words of the Red Hot Chili Peppers — Never been a better time than right now.

*Put it into words is one of the therapeutic writing exercises inside The Writing Class, an online writing course created by Milica Žikić Herder. Current price is 100 euros and you can find all the information here : https://milicaherder.com/the-writing-class

The Writing Class is a self-paced online writing workshop/course, as well as a lifetime membership to an inspiring writing community. It is constantly evolving, growing and being updated with new writing exercises, new books, new lessons, new writings, new thoughts and quotes. The great news is: you pay only once and have a continual access to the new, updated materials. You can consume it however and whenever you want.

Hope to see you in The Writing Class!

Written by: Milica Žikić Herder @milherder

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